Friday, May 11, 2018

My favourite movie

I think my always loved movie is "Submarine", based on the book of John Dunthorne. I saw it for first time when I was 14 years old, the same age of the main character. What more I loved then was the soundtrack made by Alex Turner, and the places where the movie happens, not too bright and simply (for a person who lives close to the sea). I can't tell if my life was like the main character's life, but I had the same thinks that he had, one of them: expecting that things go in the way that romantic movies makes you expect, victory for the main character, etc. Fortunately, I've grow up, you need to remember the age I had when I saw it for first time. Now this is just a funny way to see the life.

The last movie (to be exactly, short film) I saw was "It's such a beautiful day" by Don Hertzfeldt, it wasn't funny or something, it's about a guy lonely and ill and his daily life. I only saw it because I like the kind of short films made of stop-motion, this case specially because it also had scenes a mix between draws and backgrounds of real spaces (real green grass, real streets, with draws on it) I don't recommend it, unless you like that non-sense artistic wave.

I don't have any favourite gender, but if "oscar nominated" movies were one, I think that would have been my favourite few years ago, I like independent movies, the last movie I saw of this gender was "Ladybird". Also I can't lie about the fact that I like Marvel movies and even, Pixar movies.

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