Friday, April 27, 2018

MY favourite piece of technology.

My favourite piece of technology is my smartphone.

I got my current smartphone about 2 years ago (since someone stolen my last phone) but I've had phones since 4th grade if I remind well.

I used to use my phone (now called smartphone) to listen music, take blurred pictures, and play some games on it. But technology has gone so far, that now I can do things on my phone that I used to do on my laptop, like watch series and movies, read books in PDF format, stay in contact with my friends using apps to send them messages and memes, read the newspaper, etc. The difference is that with a smartphone you can do those things in a comfortable way and wherever you want.

Years ago, I couldn't imagine that having a phone would be so necessary, but now in the university I've noticed how essential is have a smartphone, or stay in constant connection to internet. For example, you need it to know your grades, upload homework, know about news about classes (ex: if teacher suddenly died), etc.

I use it all days, I like it because I can travel with it and use it wherever I go, because it's small.

My life would be ever more boring than now if smartphones doesn't exist, but without it I would look for a mp4 to replace it, and bring my camera with me (even when it’s heavy), because the most important part of smartphones for me is listen music wherever I go and take pictures of everything, but I appreciate other functions because make my life easier and funnier.

This is a photo of my first phone              

Resultado de imagen para nokia luces

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