Friday, July 27, 2018

A photograph I like~

As the title says, I'm going to talk about a photograph I like.

I used to love waste my free time seeing amateur photographs in Flickr, a long ago I don't do it.

I remember an ex-classmate who, a long ago, uploaded photos in that platform. Seeing behind her gallery, she took photos of some spaces we used to share (even when we weren't in the same class) and it reminds me my primary school days, when everything was easier than now.

Her photo was very simple, it was a public phone hanging off, but this phone was one I used to see all days on my way to school, it was took on some street on Independencia.

Because of routine of see that phone all days, it brings me some memories. Even when I still saying until today that I hate that school and a lot of things that happened there, I can’t forget that there I met my best friend who still with me today and some people and experiences who made me be the person who I am now.

This is the photo, very simple and boring.-


  1. I like the warmth of the photo and how you interpret it, is beautiful because of its simplicity and what it provokes in you. have a nice weekend!

  2. So nostalgic, I like to walk for the streets of my past and remember that time T_T
