Sunday, July 29, 2018

My favourite subject in the career

I would be lying if I say that my favourite subject is Chemistry, you would think it if you hear that i'm studying pharmacy, but isn't.

My favourite subject of the life is Biology. Also I love Physics, but is so hard to me understand, I love the way they explore and study the universe trying to explain everything on it. But, biology is more understandable to me, so it's on my top.

In the university, the subject I most like is "Pharmaceutical Chemist and his action".

It's balanced between practice and theory. Yes, you have to study some "ppts" and terms and theoric things about what does a pharmacist, but you see them on their work, making this subject as practice too.

Is great because isn't overcrowded (we are like 30 students) and you feel close to what you see, not like Chemistry that we are like one hundred persons and you barely know the teacher. Here you find different teachers to different sections: presentations of pharmacist, visits, terminology and debate (i don't like this section).

I love the existence of this subject because it reminds you why you choose pharmacy instead any career, and shows you, from first year, the reality of this career and his job as professional.

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