Saturday, August 18, 2018

Have you had a good year, so far?

I'd like to say I had a good year, but I can't.

I had some troubles of vocation and fear to fail very often this year. But it wasn't too bad because I always had some people telling me to keep going and don't give up too soon, that I wasn't alone and it’s normal fail or repeat subjects (even when I don't know if I have to repeat them yet).

That's one of the good things that happened to me this year, I learned that, as also I learned to share with people (that’s very hard for me because I'm very shy) and obviously, I learned more this year on classes, way easier, fact that made me happy.

Some situations that haven't worked well is most of exams that I had, where I completely fail, even when in controls I was doing it great; or some practical classes were I did wrong some experiments. I'm trying to learn of mistakes I did, and keep positive about what happened.

I think that my best achievement this year was have a better attendance in classes and taking more time for studying, things that before I didn't do.

So, despite much things that came wrong this year (there are more but I don't want to mention them), it wasn't as bad as last year, but still without reach the "good year" qualification. Hope it can change in the next 4 months, but I don't think so.

Friday, August 17, 2018


In this free theme post, I'm going to talk about my pets.

I have 3 dogs right now, 3 female dogs, the older (15 years old) is called Lady. She's a Cocker Spaniel. I do not like her because she hated me when I was a child, and she was closer to my grandma, she's too lazy right now because of that age (she's 98 years old in human age).

My other dog is Lizzy, she's my girl because I received her in a period that I left my grandma house and Lady stayed living with her. She was just a little puppy when she came to my life, and were just in time, in the new house (because my mom was at work most of time). She's 6 years old right now, her breed and origin is doubtful but, I know that her mom is an English Cocker Spaniel. She's very loyal with me.

And, my third dog is Charlotte (or Baby as we called her in home). She's 2 and half years old. She's tiny because her breed is Poodle Toy. She's very fluffy and jealous. and the favorite of my grandma because Charlotte is very affective and "fresh" with her. (She lays on my grandma's bed without invitation)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

My favourite subject in the career II.

I have already wrote about my favorite subject in the university so now I am going to write about my second favorite subject in university.

My second favorite subject in the university is Chemical Laboratory Technique. I like the subject because here I'm learning every I haven't learned in high school. In high school I hadn't chemistry with laboratories so I was fearing about start this career without know nothing, not even elements of laboratory. But when I went to the first class of Chemistry Laboratory technique, teachers taught me about everything, since the littlest things like names of glass materials, precautions you need to follow in class.

Also I like because is a practice subject, you do real chemistry with your hands and glass materials. But also there is a cathedra before every practice, so you know what exactly need to calculate or do.

In this class you learn all basics of laboratory, like materials you use, how to do extractions, distillations,
 weigh reagent, do a correct use and standing of materials, and precautions you need to know.

In big aspects, is absolutely complementary with chemistry, is the same class but practical.

Friday, August 3, 2018

My favourite site about chemistry.

Since my university days I knew that classes are not enough for learning, so I decided to search some Youtube channels about chemistry to don't stop my learning in university to then arrive home to forget everything.

I searched a lot of sites but none were as explanatory as "Friends of Chemistry" (Amigos de la Química). The teacher of the website is a very good one, because her Spanish is actually from Spain and I understand everything what she says because of her modulation. A bad thing of this site is that classes are not much, but it really helped me in the first semester of this year, her inorganic nomenclature gave me a 7 in a control!! (well, I don't studied just at this site, also I visited Chemical Formulation to complement). I visit this site when I have any chemistry exam or I need to study, I can say I visit this site one time for week.

Some sections of this site will help to first weeks of General Chemistry II classes. This site is like literally go to classes because it haves the same sections of General Chemistry I, almost in the same order. It haves videos of periodic properties, nomenclature, Lewis structure, stoichiometry, chemistry cinetic, etc.