Saturday, August 11, 2018

My favourite subject in the career II.

I have already wrote about my favorite subject in the university so now I am going to write about my second favorite subject in university.

My second favorite subject in the university is Chemical Laboratory Technique. I like the subject because here I'm learning every I haven't learned in high school. In high school I hadn't chemistry with laboratories so I was fearing about start this career without know nothing, not even elements of laboratory. But when I went to the first class of Chemistry Laboratory technique, teachers taught me about everything, since the littlest things like names of glass materials, precautions you need to follow in class.

Also I like because is a practice subject, you do real chemistry with your hands and glass materials. But also there is a cathedra before every practice, so you know what exactly need to calculate or do.

In this class you learn all basics of laboratory, like materials you use, how to do extractions, distillations,
 weigh reagent, do a correct use and standing of materials, and precautions you need to know.

In big aspects, is absolutely complementary with chemistry, is the same class but practical.


  1. It's amazing, it's my favorite subject too, I really love it *-*

  2. I've realized there are too many people (like me) that have enter to this career without being in a laboratory before!

  3. is what unites us after all, I share his love for labs, they are very entertaining and educational
