Saturday, August 18, 2018

Have you had a good year, so far?

I'd like to say I had a good year, but I can't.

I had some troubles of vocation and fear to fail very often this year. But it wasn't too bad because I always had some people telling me to keep going and don't give up too soon, that I wasn't alone and it’s normal fail or repeat subjects (even when I don't know if I have to repeat them yet).

That's one of the good things that happened to me this year, I learned that, as also I learned to share with people (that’s very hard for me because I'm very shy) and obviously, I learned more this year on classes, way easier, fact that made me happy.

Some situations that haven't worked well is most of exams that I had, where I completely fail, even when in controls I was doing it great; or some practical classes were I did wrong some experiments. I'm trying to learn of mistakes I did, and keep positive about what happened.

I think that my best achievement this year was have a better attendance in classes and taking more time for studying, things that before I didn't do.

So, despite much things that came wrong this year (there are more but I don't want to mention them), it wasn't as bad as last year, but still without reach the "good year" qualification. Hope it can change in the next 4 months, but I don't think so.


  1. I hope that your year can improve.

  2. It's good to have nice people that support you, because at the beggining it's hard to have good qualifications and pass all the subjects. Hope your year become better and you can meet your goals :)

  3. Hi, I'm in the same situation, I wish i could say I had a good year, but no :(. But I belive in you, so go a head for your goals.
